Get Involved
Explore a variety of opportunities to engage and join the Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy!
Become a member: Unlock Your Fitness Goals with Exclusive Membership Benefits.
Join a class: Our group classes offer beginner boxing, advanced boxing, cardio boxing, and strength and conditioning. You'll be taught by experienced and qualified instructors.
Engage the services of a personal trainer: Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy extends their expertise through personalized training. Our highly qualified trainers possess the knowledge to create a customized training regime tailored to your unique fitness aspirations.
Become a Valued Volunteer at Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy
Support the fighters: Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy is a non-profit organization, relying on sponsorships to empower its fighters. Sponsorships cover training, equipment, and travel costs. Your contribution has the power to create a meaningful impact as we guide these young individuals towards future triumphs. Empower talented fighters today!
Attend an event: Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as amateur boxing tournaments and fundraisers. Attending these events is a great way to support the gym and its fighters.
Spread the word: If you're a fan of boxing, or if you know someone who is, tell them about Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy. The gym is always looking for new members and supporters.
No matter how you choose to get involved, Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy is a great place to learn about boxing, get in shape, and have fun.
Contribute to our esteemed institution: Pound 4 Pound Elite Boxing Academy, an IRS-endorsed 501(c)(3) establishment, welcomes tax-deductible donations.